"This" world as the only world -- or just the world.Eversion
Turning the world inside outGrowth
Implying that "limits to growth" is a fundamental mistake. That in turn has further implications.Off-planet
One of those implications: while the earth's resources are much greater than the "limits to growth" proponents imagine, they clearly do have limits -- hence the need to expand beyond the planet.Utopia: its abuse and use
That the idea of Utopia must not function as a realizable state, but can as an imaginative structure forever located on the horizon.Consciousness and Culture
Consciousness as a control mechanism for behavioral organisms. Culture as an imprint on consciousness, acquired through speech.The Word
Homo Sapiens' distinguishing feature
Identity and the Constructed Self
What is an I? Who are you?
Man a Machine
From La Mettrie, via Mary Shelley, to the Terminator/Westworld contrast, the embedding of the human in the natural, and the meaning of "free will".
The Modern World and its Discontents
Secularism, "populism", and the rise of ersatz religions.
Dream and Reality: Imagination and Practice
The two layers of culture, individual and collectiveVarieties of Belief
Belief: ordinary, scientific, aesthetic, religious
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